While our vision has always been to use technology to make bar exam review courses more affordable, more convenient and more effective than ever, today we finally concede that the in-class approach is vastly superior.
In an effort to ensure our prep courses remain competitive, we are thrilled to announce the very first in-class BarMax bar review course, which will be available for students preparing for the July 2017 bar exam.
We have rented classrooms all across the country, so simply take your iPhone, iPad and/or laptop to the in-class location most convenient to you.
Features include:
- Traffic-Filled Commutes to ensure that you maximize your prep time.
- Projector with AppleTV so you can play your lectures on the screen.
- Inconvenient Set Schedules because life starts and stops at your convenience.
- Access Limited to 10 Weeks immediately prior to your bar exam date to overwhelm you. Need more time? Don’t worry, you can always extend your access by simply paying for the course again.
- Teach to the Mean Approach to ensure that you either feel held back or left behind.
- Beacon Technology to prevent you from accessing your course materials outside of your specific classroom location.
- Uncomfortable Chairs to keep you wide awake.
- Stressed Out Bar Exam Students because everyone knows that misery loves company.
Other improvements include:
- No Analytics — we’ve eliminated our analytics because you should obviously spend the same amount of time on your strengths as your weaknesses.
- Made Up Questions — we have also decided to eliminate our real, officially licensed questions and rely solely on made-up questions instead. “Exam-like questions” are obviously more exam-like than actual bar exam questions.
- No Pass Guarantees — we have also decided to eliminate our pass guarantee because if you are not successful it is your fault, not ours. Time to start taking responsibility—it is part of becoming an adult.
- No Transparent Pass Rates — even though the in-class model will allow us to easily identify every student who takes our courses, we will no longer be releasing our pass rates. Our previous success rate is completely irrelevant to your success. Assuming otherwise would be flawed logic. If you need a refresher on that, check out our brand-new in-class LSAT prep courses.
Lastly, we are also thrilled to announce that we will now be charging $4,000 for our in-class bar review courses.
While 4x the cost of our previous bar review offerings, all of these new, groundbreaking features and improvements will definitely be worth it! Trust us!