A question that I get nonstop from the still-in-school LSAT test studiers is, "How can I balance school and studying for the LSAT, without seeing either suffer?" Well, it’s definitely doable. First, you want to try and schedule your last semester to be pretty light. Having a full course load and studying for the LSAT will be a lot to handle, though nothing is impossible. Alright, so first thing’s first, make sure you have a light load.
Next you want to set aside time to work on your technique. Sit down and really get into the nitty-gritty of how to solve the different question types and make sure you understand the underlying logic. Take the time to really understand the material. This portion of your LSAT prep is essential, though not the most important. We’ll get to the most important soon. You want to hone in on your strengths and your weaknesses. Figure out what your favorite section/question type is and where you can improve.
Then we get to time management and prioritizing your responsibilities. The most important tool in your LSAT prep toolbox is practice. You want to set aside as much time as you can to complete as many practice LSATs as possible. How can we optimize that? Well, you need to see how many hours you need for school each day and set those aside. Then you want to start prioritizing the rest of the time-consuming things in your life. Some of these things might be necessary: eating, exercising, cooking, leisure reading, spending time with loved ones. But other things may not be necessary. You really need to purge anything time consuming in your life that is not absolutely necessary, at least for the time being. That way you can optimize your LSAT study hours.
Lastly, utilize your leisure time wisely. You should always have a little bit of free time while you prep for the LSAT. You are not a machine, and you will not make it through the next few weeks of studying if you never take a break. But, even your break time should be a little productive. Remember that the Reading Comprehension passages that appear on the LSAT are taken from actual law review and science journals. LSAC tweaks each article to be more conducive for the exam, but these passages started out as real reading material. Therefore, practice reading denser materials than you might be used to and really analyze what you are reading. Pick up a law review journal, or better yet, a magazine like The Economist.
I know it’s a lot to juggle. But, sacrificing a bit of your social life for the next few weeks will be so worth it in the end when you are staring at the pretty three digit score you were hoping for.
Happy Studying!