As the weather is slowly cooling down, the idea of a warm cozy coffee shop sounds more and more appealing. When I was in college, I loved studying in cafes around campus, and I got very familiar with many of them. I thought, since it’s Friday, let’s chat a little about some of more of my favorite Berkeley-bound cafes.

  1. BITTERSWEET CHOCOLATE CAFÉ: 5427 College Avenue, Oakland, CA
    This, is by far one of my favorite cafes to study at. But, this is my “all-day” study spot in Berkeley. I say “all-day” because most students in Berkeley don’t have cars; it is an overall car-unfriendly city. Therefore, you have to take the notoriously-late 51 bus South-bound down College Avenue till you get to Bittersweet. It will probably take you 20 minutes on the bus and 10 minutes in a car from campus. It’s quiet and remote, therefore, you will get a lot of work done and there aren’t a ton of distractions. AND, the best part, Bittersweet is a Chocolate Café. Meaning, it specializes in chocolate drinks and desserts. Le Sigh. It’s amazing; go there now if you can. If not, wallow in your sub-par chocolate study location.
  2. CAFÉ MILANO: 2522 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA
    This is a Berkeley student staple. It’s right on the southern edge of campus and has great food along with coffee. I usually chose to go upstairs because it was always less crowded and more quiet.
  3. FREE SPEECH MOVEMENT CAFÉ: Next to Moffitt Library on Berkeley Campus
    Known to the students as FSM, this café is full of studying students. Finding tables can be a tad tricky, but if you go at the right times of the day and park your derriere, you can get a prime piece of LSAT prep real estate. FSM has great WIFI, as well, though it doesn’t matter for your LSAT studying if you’re using LSATMax, since you won’t be tethered to the Internet. If you can get a table outside on a non-rainy day, then you’ll have a beautiful view of campus while you complete your Reading Comprehension sections.
  4. YALI’S CAFÉ: Next to Stanley Hall on Berkeley Campus
    Yali’s Café was not a café I was able to frequent a lot while I was a student, as it was under construction for most of my student days. It is right next to Hearst Mining Circle, so if you get to grab a table outside you have a beautiful view of the pretty fountain, sculpture and students lolling about on the glade around it. They have an amazing yogurt parfait and great green tea lattes. And many engineering and chemistry students will probably be surrounding you; so you’re definitely going to be inspired to put on your studious hat and work!

Definitely try some of these places out. It’s nice even if you prefer to study at home or in the library to catch a breath of fresh air at least once a week and study at a café, especially if you can study outside. Hope your LSAT prep grind is going well!

Happy Studying!

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