As we are approaching the February 2014 LSAT, some important deadlines are approaching for you LSAT prep students out there. For those of you who are hoping to attend law school this fall but have yet to send out your applications, the time is now. Most law school application deadlines are in February and March. I know I’ve badgered you incessantly about this, but the earlier you get your application in, the better your chances for acceptance are! So hurry up!!!

I encourage those of you studying for the upcoming exam to make the most of your breaks in between your LSAT prep to get those applications done and perfected. Now is the time to put the finishing touches on your personal statements, read over all the application sections for typos, and double check that you have all of your recommendations and transcripts in. Every time you have a little break from your studying, go over a section of your application or reread a paragraph of your personal statement. You want your entire application package to be pristine before you send it in.

Here are a few of the upcoming deadlines for top schools, in case you were planning on applying to any of them:

Harvard – February 1, 2014

University of Chicago – February 1, 2o14

Stanford – February 3, 2014

UC Berkeley – February 3, 2014

NYU – February 15, 2014

Michigan – February 15, 2014

Yale – February 28, 2014

University of Pennsylvania – March 1, 2014

Columbia – March 3, 2014

Virginia – March 31, 2014

For those of you who weren’t aware, many universities have pushed back their application deadlines due to cancellations of the December LSAT in various locations because of weather. For instance, Michigan, whose deadline is normally January 3rd, has pushed its deadline to February 15th, and UC Berkeley, whose deadline is normally January 15th, has pushed its deadline to February 3rd. It’s important to check all the deadlines for the schools you are hoping to apply for, in case of any unexpected changes.

It’s really important to get your applications in as soon as possible if Fall 2014 is your goal. So, take a break from those Logical Reasoning sections and make sure your apps are well on their way to be in before the deadlines!

Happy Studying!

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