I think we’ve discussed the importance of mirroring LSAT testing conditions as best you can in the past. But, I wanted to take a moment to discuss, in depth, with you, my LSAT padawons, why it is so important to mimic the real LSAT to the best of your capabilities during your LSAT prep.”
The LSAT is like a marathon. When you decide to run a marathon, you don’t go from day one into an all-out 26.2 mile sprint. You take it slowly and step by step. You work your way up to the actual thing. And once you’re able to run those full 26.2 miles, you usually try to run the course of the marathon prior to the actual race so you can get yourself well acquainted with the obstacles that are going to come you way. In this way, you must train yourself for the LSAT. If your test is in the morning, you need to get your mind accustomed to being fully alert and awake come 8:00 am and ready for four hours of intense concentration and focus. You want to be as exact as possible, so if your exam is on a Saturday, get it really ready for Saturday mornings. Make your mind equate Saturday mornings with logic and concentration. Same goes for the afternoon and Monday LSATs.”
Once you’re alert and ready each Saturday morning, or whenever your specific test is, try and get yourself accustomed to the environment. If you were smart, and read my post about the importance of LSAT-taking locations and booked a university location near you, then most likely you’ll be able to go to campus each morning and take a practice LSAT on that exact campus. Now, it’s true you may not be able to find your exact classroom or even building, but getting acquainted to being in the testing location will help calm your test day nerves. I promise you!”
Every little thing counts. If you get to the testing location and see that a specific sound on Saturday mornings bothers you, then you can reschedule or relocate your LSAT or you can work through the sound by practicing in that spot. You will be well-acquainted with how the air conditioning works or doesn’t work. You will know where the bathrooms are and where the vending machines are. Do you see what I am saying? Also, driving to the testing location every Saturday morning, again assuming that you are taking the exam on a Saturday morning as opposed to the afternoon or on a Monday, will get you well accustomed to the normal traffic and routes near the location.”
What if the logic Gods are not smiling on you the morning of your exam and they decide to have a HUGE accident on whatever freeway you have to take? Well, since you, my smart and well-prepared LSAT padawons are well acquainted with that area you will be able to find alternate routes and plan accordingly for traffic.”
I want you to get your minds ready and well-accustomed to the exact time, day and place of your real LSAT. When it comes down to the wire, it’s the minutia that counts. Don’t let a leaky faucet or clanky pipe trip you up. Be ready. Be prepared. That was my LSAT public service announcement for the day!”
Happy Studying!”