Imagine your ideal LSAT study session. OK, maybe “ideal” and “LSAT study session” are somewhat contradictory terms to you. But still … let’s put our making-lemonade-out-of-lemons thinking hats on and imagine. What would an ideal study session look like?
You’d probably want an LSAT expert there, right? Someone who knows the exam inside and out, but also understands the LSAT-related struggles you might be going through. You’d surely want the ability to ask questions and get immediate feedback from said LSAT expert. You’d probably also want the study session to focus on something you’d like to go over, a particular concept that’s proven challenging. Maybe you’d also want the support of other students who are experiencing similar challenges as well. And if you could do this all for free, everyday, in the comfort of your own home, all the better.
LSATMax’s daily Office Hours sessions can provide this exact study session. Every day, one of LSATMax’s instructors will host a live, hour-long video session where they will cover an important LSAT concept. Anyone with access to the LSATMax’s course will be able to attend these Office Hours (or watch a recording if they can’t attend live). Perhaps best of all, these sessions are included in the cost of the course. You’re basically getting daily tutoring included for free.
So let’s talk about the major benefits of these daily Office Hours, and how they can can help turn any LSAT newcomer into a LSAT expert:
- In-Depth Discussion of Important LSAT Concepts
The LSATMax course offers over 400 hours of videos that teach proven LSAT strategies. These courses provide the skills that have helped thousands of students raise their LSAT scores significantly. For many students, these videos are sufficient to make those life-changing score increases.
But many students benefit from an even deeper dive into certain LSAT concepts. For these students, Office Hours provides those deep dives. Every day, one of LSATMax’s expert instructors will provide an in-depth discussion of a major LSAT concept. These instructors will provide their unique insight into these concepts, and review many example questions, helping LSATMax’s students become knowledgeable, confident test takers. And we do this for every important LSAT concept for all three sections of the exam. So for whichever concept you need a little extra review, we have you covered with a dedicated Office Hours session.
- Live Advice from LSAT Experts
Not only will you get the benefits of daily deep dives into important LSAT concepts, each Office Hours session will give you an opportunity to ask any LSAT-related question you have to one of LSATMax’s top instructors. The instructor hosting each Office Hours session will be happy to answer any question you have, big or small. So whether you want to review a particular question or game that vexed you, or you have questions about how to improve on Reading Comp, or you just want to get some feedback on your LSAT study plan, you can use Office Hours to gain this important insight.
Plus, you can truly rely on these instructors’ advice. Our instructors acquired their LSAT expertise through hard work and rigorous preparation. They weren’t naturally gifted LSAT takers; they cut their teeth through the same difficult study process many LSAT students do. So they can empathize with your LSAT struggles and will provide reliable and proven first-hand advice.
- Unique Insight and Strategies from a Diverse Array of Instructors
At LSATMax, we believe in the value of switching things up. As talented and reliable as our instructors are, we know that one teaching style won’t work for all learning styles. Every learner has different needs, and responds to different teaching methods. So our daily Office Hours are not hosted by the same few instructors, covering the same exact topics, over and over again. Our Office Hours are taught by a vast array of our instructors, covering a variety of topics, to try to benefit as many of our students as we can.
We switch it up because we know that sometimes it just takes one instructor’s seemingly magic combination of words to make a confusing concept suddenly click into place for a learner. Or that sometimes it takes the unique approach recommended by an instructor to decoct a challenging Reading Comp passage, or to chart the path through a difficult Logic Game. We make sure our Office Hours are hosted by a large, rotating cast of our expert LSAT instructors, so you can find the insight and strategy that will help you become an LSAT expert as well. In fact, many Office Hours attendees become so convinced by a particular instructor’s unique insight that they sign up for one-on-one tutoring with that instructor.
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If these Office Hours sound like an ideal addition to your LSAT study plan, make sure to sign up for LSATMax’s course today!