Learn what it takes to get into the Washington University Law School.
See Acceptance Rates, Average LSAT Scores, GPA & More
Washington University Law School Overview
Washing Univesity Law School first opened its doors in 1889, making it one of the oldest law schools in the country. The school is also generally considered one of the top three public schools in the country.
The University of Washington is in Seattle. The law school features the thoroughly modern William H. Gates Hall.
If you thought being an undergraduate was tough, you haven't seen anything yet. You'll need to work hard to maintain good grades at the law school. But if you're willing to work hard, you're likely to do well.
The law school ranks in the top 35 in the country. Interestingly enough, Washington University Law School performs a lot better on the global stage. It comes in as one of the top 15 schools globally. The school also ranks as one of the most liberal schools in the country.
The fees at the University of Washington Law School are higher than average. But you can't deny that the quality of education warrants the extra cost. The bar passage rate is 84.3% which is slightly higher than the statewide average of 80.7%.
The school itself is moderately sized, so you'll get the chance to meet new people on a personal level. Undergraduates receive a preference for on-campus housing. There are several different housing options within a short distance of the campus, depending on if you prefer to live on or near campus.
The expectations set forth that students participate in community service. Therefore, many of its law students participate in one of the law clinics. The advantage of a law clinic is that it also gives you much-needed experience in the field.
Here you can study towards your:
- Juris Doctor
- Juris Master
- Master of Laws
- Master of Comparative Law
- Doctor of Juridical Science
The average class size in the state is 143. The University of Washington pushes the number up to 204. It is quite a bit higher than average; however, it is balanced out by an excellent student to faculty ratio. Students still get the support that they need.
Attrition rates don't follow the usual pattern of having more students drop out in their second year. Instead, at the University of Washington, if you make it through the first year, you'll probably complete the full four-year term.
Around 4.5% of students drop out in the first year. A drop out rate is inevitable since some students have difficulty adjusting to a higher standard of education or get homesick. However, the drop rate at the University of Washington is very low, which shows how many students value their education at the institution.
Employment prospects for graduates are excellent. Most graduates choose to join established law firms as the first step in their career. A small percentage of students consider entering the non-profit and government sectors.
Overall, the private sector is where the money is for recent graduates. And, for most students trying to pay off student loans, it is a critical consideration.
All in all, the University of Washington and its law school offers students a well-balanced mix of theory and practical education. The institution prepares students well for the rigors of working in the legal field. There are several specialist courses that students can opt for to improve their career prospects.
Washington University Law School Rankings
The Washington University Law School ranks 33rd in the country, according to U.S. News. The ranking is important because it gives you a way to compare schools overall.
U.S. News devotes a substantial amount of time each year to vetting law schools. The publication examines a wide range of factors, from the academic results to the diversity of the school.
The U.S. News report scores each individual factor. More critical factors, like bar passage rates and costs, are given a higher weighting than less important ones. In the end, U.S. News tallies up all the results and bases its rankings accordingly.
The law school ranks 14th globally according to the 2019 Academic Ranking of World Universities. What makes the ranking even more impressive is that the University of Washington is a public school. Most of the other schools ranked that high are private institutions.
Washington University Law School Admissions
What is the Washington University Law School Acceptance Rate?
The average acceptance rate averaged out at under 30% over the last few years. Competition to gain entry is relatively fierce. The University of Washington Law School is an excellent graduate school that receives over 4,000 applications per year. However, the school is only able to accept around 1,300 applicants each year.
The law school is clear about its objections and ambitions. It only wants the best and brightest students. So, you'll have to make a significant effort with your application and personal statement.
The school wants students :
- Are willing to work very hard
- Are top performers
- Have performed well academically
The university also looks for indicators that you're a well-rounded person. It's not just about academics, but what you do with your spare time as well. So, if you volunteer in a soup kitchen one night a week, make a note of it.
At 85.7%, the school's bar passage rate is 10 points better than the state average. There's no doubt that you'll receive a high-quality education at the University of Washington. You'll get challenged in every facet of education. The school doesn't tolerate students that are not willing to put in the time and effort.
It is also worth mentioning that scholarship applications get reserved for those who apply early. Most scholarship applications close on the 15th of January. You can check online regarding the deadlines for the various scholarships.
Generally, though, the earlier you put in your application, the better.
So, as always, don't leave your application to the last minute.
We always advise prospective students to get their applications in as soon as possible after application submission dates open. We can't guarantee that you'll get in, but it does give you a head start.
The university will consider late applications if there are exceptional circumstances. The applications are also subject to there being enough space in the law school.
Applications | Offers | Matriculated | |
Class of 2023 | 4,613 | 1275 (27,64%) | 210 (4,6%) |
25% | Median | 75% | |
GPA | 3.18 | 3.67 | 3.8 |
LSAT | 161 | 167 | 168 |
25% | Median | 75% | |
Class of 2022 | |||
GPA | 3.44 | 3.69 | 3.8 |
LSAT | 158 | 163 | 165 |
Washington University Law School LSAT Percentiles
75th percentile | 168 |
50th percentile | 167 |
25th percentile | 161 |
Washington University Entering Class Profile
Number of Students | 688 |
LSAT Score | 167 |
Undergraduate GPA | 3.67 |
% Women | 42.6% |
% Students of Color | 7.7% |
% Enrolled Directly After College | 4.6% |
What is the tuition for Washington University Law School?
In-State Resident | Non-Resident | |
Full Time | $51,626 | $51,626 |
Part-Time | N/A | N/A |
What are the living expenses at Washington University Law School
On-Campus | $22,700 |
Off-Campus | $22,700 |
What are the housing options at Washington University Law School
On-Campus | No |
Off-Campus | Yes |
BAR Passage Rates at Washington University Law School
Reporting | 81.3% |
First Time Takers | 240 |
Washington University Average | 86.2% |
{State} Average | 81.3% |
National Average | 75% |
Application Deadlines
When will the Washington University application materials be available?
The school operates on a rolling application basis. Admission materials are available year-round. Regardless, you will need to complete your LSATs before being able to apply.
When does Washington University begin accepting applications?
You may start submitting your application on the 1st of October.
How are applications to Washington University submitted?
You must apply online through the LSAC. Prospective students must also register with the Credential Assembly Service (CAS). Only complete applications in the system get considered.
Does Washington University have an "early admission" or an "early decision" process?
Yes, they do. In fact, the university recommends taking advantage of the early decision program. It is particularly important if you want to apply for a scholarship.
How much is the application fee and when is the deadline?
Application Fee |
$70 |
Early Decision Deadline |
11/15/2021 |
Regular Decision Deadline |
3/15/2022 |
Does Washington University grant interviews?
The admissions board does not require an interview to get into the law school.
Employment after Washington University Law School
Median Salary Private Sector |
$71 000 |
Median Salary Public Sector |
$49 254 |
Your prospects after graduating are good. Around 83% of graduates find work within nine months. Approximately 82% of students opt to remain in the state of Washington once they have graduated.
44% of students choose to join law firms straight out of school. It is an excellent path to follow if you want to gain experience before running your own firm.
You also get introduced to cases that clients wouldn't typically trust you with if you were on your own. Established firms also provide mentors for new hires. The most established practices have a mountain of cases that you can draw upon for reference.
15% of students join another type of business out of school. Many large companies retain their in-house counsel. The prospects of finding work in this capacity are high. Depending on the type of law you practice, though, you may find the experience you gain a little limited.
Some students decide to go into practice for themselves. However, it is a tiny percentage of students. Most prefer to get some real-world experience before establishing their own firm.
Only around 15% of students work in the public sector after graduating from the University of Washington. There are two reasons. First, jobs in the public sector are limited. Secondly, the pay is substantially less than what you'd earn in the private sector.
However, if you want to get out there and help people, working in the public sector is very rewarding. The other upside is that you may get to clerk for a judge. It presents you with many experiences that help you build a career.
Which option appeals most to you? Can you see yourself working for the little guy and taking on big organizations? Then consider immigration or environmental law. Perhaps you see yourself as a corporate hotshot. Then consider a career in commercial law or contract law.
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