University of Florida Levin College of Law Overview
The University of Florida of Law School is located in Miami, Florida. The educational establishment has accreditation from the American Bar association, and it’s one of the only public law schools in South Florida.
The University of Florida Law School, known officially as the Frederic G. Levin College of Law, was founded in 1909. Over the years, the school has consistently improved in the national rankings and is now among the top 25 nationally for all law schools, and the top 10 for public law schools. Various media outlets and organizations rank the school extremely high. Furthermore, the bar passage rate is 95.7% as of July 2021, which is much higher than most other schools.
The school’s campus offers an open-minded and vibrant atmosphere that allows students from a broad range of backgrounds to feel at home. They offer volunteer work and pro bono hours if students want to put what they have learned to good use. With 60 student organizations, there is something to do after-hours for every student.
Regular events provide a change of pace from the rigors of the educational environment. Some of these events include:
- Conferences and student-sponsored events – most notably the annual Law Professor Auction, which takes place in the courtyard
- Social events with alumni that often include ice cream and a barbeque
- Lectures where leaders tackle legal topics that students can learn from throughout the semester
- Annual US Supreme Court justices visits, which are a major source of excitement for students.
The law school faculty includes 80 full-time professors with 50 adjunct lecturers and professors. The program covers every facet of law, so students have the opportunity to learn any specific area that’s of interest to them. Also, faculty members are engaged in cutting edge legal work and studies that get published. At the University of Florida Levin College of Law students are learning from the best minds in the discipline.
The mission statement at this school indicates that they are committed to providing a well-rounded education. The attention to excellence and professional standards is noteworthy. The aim is for students to learn the skills required to be competitive in law related jobs when they graduate.
Overall, getting a degree from the University of Florida Levin College of Law is a solid choice. It has educated more American Bar Association presidents since 1973 than any other school, and their alumni include cabinet members, state senators and four Florida Governors.
Law School Rankings
Do you know what the Florida Law School’s rankings are? It’s a smart idea to learn the rankings of any school you are interested in. This enables you to make an informed decision. Rankings are a quick way to differentiate between schools. It’s especially important if you have a long list of law schools you are interested in. Multiple applications give you a better chance of getting in.
The law school rankings include factors such as education quality, resources on offer, and infrastructure. A law school’s rank is important because employers pay attention to this number when choosing the right candidate to fill an open position.
According to the University of Florida Levin College of Law is ranked as 24th in the country. Furthermore, the National Jurist ranking puts this law school as the 3rd in the country for value. This indicates that the Frederic G. Levin College of Law has very high standards and consistently produces extremely successful graduates, but won’t break the bank.
University of Florida Levin College of Law Admissions
What Is the University of Florida Levin College of Law Acceptance Rate?
The acceptance rate says a lot about the quality of the school. Schools that have a lot of applications and limited annual capacity will have lower acceptance rates. These are typically the best law schools in the country that receive the most attention. On the other hand, lower ranked schools tend to have a higher acceptance rate. That’s because fewer students apply, which means the competition is not as fierce.
A school’s admission requirements can also determine the acceptance rate. For example, tough admissions guidelines might deter students from making an application. That’s because they don’t want to waste their time and money since they feel there is a low chance of getting into a particular school.
The acceptance rate for the University of Florida is 62%, which means students have a good chance of getting into the school. The school accepts students from a broad range of backgrounds. This means anyone can apply and have a decent chance of getting into the program.
However, a high acceptance rate does not mean that students can get in without trying. You still have to achieve good test scores and make a great impression if there is an interview. Take the application process seriously to boost your chances of success.
Applications | Offers |
Matriculated |
Class of 2023 |
1953 |
1049 (53,71%) | 204 (10,4%) |
25% |
Median |
75% |
3.25 |
3.46 |
3.63 |
154 | 157 |
160 |
University of Florida Levin College of Law LSAT Percentiles
75th percentile |
160 |
50th percentile |
157 |
25th percentile |
154 |
2023 Entering class Profile
Number of Students |
974 |
LSAT Score |
166 |
Undergraduate GPA |
3.74 |
% Women |
50.50% |
% Students of Color |
3.0% |
What Is The Tuition For University of Florida Levin College of Law?
In-State Resident |
Non-Resident |
Full Time |
$30,177 |
$43,657 |
Part Time |
N/A |
N/A |
What Are The Living Expenses At University of Florida Levin College of Law ?
On-Campus |
$23,075 |
Off-Campus |
$23,075 |
What Are The Housing Options At University of Florida Levin College of Law ?
On-Campus |
Yes |
Off-Campus |
Yes |
Bar Passage Rates At University of Florida Levin College of Law
Reporting | 82.9% |
First Time Takers | 280 |
University of Florida Levin College of Law Average | 78.0% |
Florida State Average | 76.5% |
National Average |
Application Deadlines
When will the University of Florida Levin College of Law application materials be available?
The University of Florida Levin College of Law website hosts information about application materials year-round.
When does the University of Florida Levin College of Law begin accepting applications?
The application process begins each year on September 1st.
How are applications to the University of Florida submitted?
The process of applying is straightforward via the LSAC online application service. LSAC is the service that processes all applications for the University of Florida Levin College of Law and most other law schools. In fact, you have probably come across this website before if you have applied to other law schools.
Does the University of Florida Levin College of Law have an “early admission” or an “early decision” process?
UF does have an early decision process. It requires applicants to submit their LSAT scores by November, and submit their application by December 15th. Early admission decisions are released by January 10th of the following year. Students that do not meet these deadlines can still use the regular application process.
Application Fee | $30 |
Early Decision Deadline | 12/15/2021 |
Regular Decision Deadline | 03/15/2022 |
Does the University of Florida Levin College of Law grant interviews?
As a rule of thumb, Florida Law School does not offer interviews as part of the regular application process. However, some students might be invited to an interview if the school needs more help to make a decision.
Employment After the University of Florida Levin College of Law
Median Salary Private Sector | $75,000 |
Median Salary Public Sector | $44,000 |
Because it ranks among the best in the country, a degree from the University of Florida Levin College of Law holds a lot of value. Employers will view the degree as a sign of discipline, intellectual prowess, and achievement. Therefore, you dramatically increase your chances of landing a job in the field of law and other industries. Here are a few noteworthy Florida Law School employment statistics:
- The employed-at-graduation rate is 64.4% – this means you are more likely to have a job after graduating than not. The relatively high rate means that students should be motivated to get into the program as there is a good chance of a bright future.
- The median salary in the private sector is $75,000 – it’s a high figure that represents the quality of jobs that are available after graduation. Private sector jobs generally offer better payment than public sector ones.
- The median public service starting salary is $44,000, which is not among the highest out there. However, it is a reliable starting salary that allows graduates to take on legitimate and honest jobs working for the greater good.
Choosing to invest money and time into a law school program is a big decision. More than likely, you will get a good education. However, there must also be a financial payoff after graduating in order to make it worth your time and money. The University of Florida Levin College of Law offers graduates outstanding employment opportunities, which fully justifies applying to the program.