With the first ever digital LSAT administration around the corner, many students are looking to simulate the digital LSAT experience.
Unfortunately, at this time, LSAC has only published a few full digital practice tests, but even taking these practice tests requires an Internet connection, which adds a variable that will not be present on exam day.
The good news is that if you own an iPad or Android tablet, you can simulate EVERY officially released LSAT in a digital format that mimics the new tablet-LSAT experience, down to the touch technology, digital timer with a five-minute warning, highlighting, and flagging to keep track of questions that you may want to revisit in a section.
Best of all, no Internet connection is required to take these digital Prep Tests in the LSATMax app, so you won’t have to worry about your WiFi connection going out in the middle of your last section and ruining your practice exam.
Here are the instructions on how to purchase digital LSATs a la carte in the LSATMax app:
(1) Download the LSATMax app for free on your iPad or Android Tablet.
(2) Create a free LSATMax account – you can do this either after you download our free app or by creating a free account online.
(3) Enter the “Store” from the left menu.
(a) Tap the three-line icon in the top left-hand corner:

(b) Tap "Store" to enter the LSATMax Store:

(4) Tap the “Prep Tests” tab to navigate to the Prep Tests:

Here you will find every officially released LSAT available for purchase with the newer LSATs priced at $9.99 and the older LSATs priced as $2.99.
When you complete a digital LSAT in LSATMax, you will receive a detailed score report as well as analytics that will break down your performance not only by section type but also by question type:

The first digital LSAT will be administered to 50% of July 2019 takers (more information here) and as of the September 2019 LSAT, the digital LSAT will have officially replaced the paper and pencil version.
Have any questions or concerns? Schedule a call with one of our LSAT-experts. They will be able to answer any additional questions and/or concerns you may have about this transition.