This blog entry is for those of you post-LSAT prep, post-law school application submission people. Don’t you feel special and relaxed? Well, probably not relaxed. You’re slowly receiving your answers from the applications you’ve sent out, and I’m sure you’re trying to decide how to choose which school to attend for the next three years. First off, choosing a law school is a laudable activity. Way to go, you LSAT studier! Congrats on gaining admission into multiple schools that you applied to!

Now, let’s get down to business. How do you whittle down your options to your soon to be alma mater? Here are some good tips:

(1) Visit/Revisit the Schools

If you haven’t already visited the schools that have accepted you, I highly recommend taking the time to check out the campus.  I know location and campus may sounds like small things, but they’re not. This is going to be the environment you will be surrounded by for the next three years of your life.  Really check out the campus, look at the law library and watering holes. This is the place you will have many break downs, freak outs and joyous end of finals yells. You want it to be a place you feel comfortable and happy.

(2) Talk to Current Students & Recent Grads

Talking to these people will help you get the best picture of what the school is like. They will help you with the strengths and weaknesses of the school, what to avoid and what to really take advantage of. Make sure to ask them about what they regret if anything and if they were happy with their choice of law school.

(3) Consider the Programs

If you have a specific field(s) of law you want to get into, make sure to find out what the school’s strengths are. If you want to get into international law, see which of the schools you have been accepted to have the best programs to help you pursue that. Which school is ranked highest in your specific field of interest?

(4) Money

Which school is giving you the most amount of money? Though you shouldn’t blindly go to the school that offers you the most money, it is something that should heavily factor into your decision.

Getting out of law school close to debt-free if not completely debt free is a huge advantage.

You really want to take a holistic view of your options. Look at the ranking, location, programs, job-placements after graduation, class size, and financial aid offers. See what matters most to you. This is an exciting time in your life. Enjoy your pre-law school days as much as you can!

For the rest of you, get back to your LSAT prep and you too will one day be weighing your law school options.

Happy Studying!