Want to know for sure if your LSAT score and GPA are enough to get you into the law school of your choice? Law school predictors can provide the answer you need.
There are a variety of law school predictors online for calculating if you have enough points to get admitted into a law school. But certain predictors are far better than others. For the most accurate prediction of your law school eligibility, try out one of these three best law school predictors.
Best Law School Predictors
1. HourUMD Calculator
This calculator is one of the most popular law school predictors. HourUMD uses data provided by law school applicants to calculate your chances of getting into a law school of your choice. To find out which law schools might admit you, enter your GPA and LSAT score into the calculator.
After a quick computation of your data, the tool will reveal how many law school applicants have the same stats as you. It will also display how many of these similar applicants were waitlisted or accepted, and how many applicants with lower stats were accepted to law schools.
You can also use the tool to identify what percentage of law school applicants qualified for scholarships and their monetary value. This comprehensive tool is not only useful for determining your eligibility, but also the sort of competition you’re facing for law school admission and scholarships.
HourUMD retrieves data on other law school applicants from LawSchoolNumbers (LSN) to provide you with an easy-to-understand comparison analysis. If applicants with LSN data similar to yours are getting into the law school of your choice, you also have a good chance of getting in.
For better results when using HourUMD, we recommend that you enter a range for your LSAT and GPA figures instead of specific scores. Using the “range option” is especially useful if one of those scores is on the low side.
Using this approach will provide you with more data on people who are in the same situation as you and give you an idea of how well they’ve faired in admissions.
Aside from viewing admitted and waitlisted candidates, you can also use HourUMD to view Under-Represented Minority applicants (URM).
The downside of using this law school predictor is that it has more admission data for higher-ranked law schools. This means you might not be able to get accurate data regarding your eligibility for the lower-ranked schools.
Another service gap is that, since the tool uses self-reported data provided by applicants, it is entirely reliant on the honest representation of this information.
2. Law School Admission Council’s (LSAC) Calculator
Like HourUMD, this tool uses your GPA and LSAT scores to predict your admission chances. But it trumps HourUMD because it uses a more diverse and expansive database for its comparisons.
The results are also more detailed and easier to understand, thanks to its use of visual illustrations. These helpful images are explained with simple text revealed when your cursor hovers over them.
On the downside, the tool only compares your stats to that of applicants that applied in 2017. This limitation means recent changes in a law school’s policy may not be factored into the LSAC calculator’s prediction. It also doesn’t offer information on scholarships, and the range of filters is quite limited compared to the selection HourUMD offers.
Even though the LSAC Calculator covers more schools than HourUMD, it should be noted that certain top-tier schools, such as Yale, Stanford, and Howard, do not provide their data to the LSAC Calculator.
All in all, the LSAC Calculator offers pretty accurate and easy-to-understand predictions based on your GPA and LSAT scores.
3. Law School Predictor (LSP)
The Law School Predictor approaches predicting law school admission from a unique angle. Its predictions combine admission index formulas published by law schools, using 25% LSAT and 75% GPA information of matriculated students. The result is an index score that is unique to each school for every year and is far more accurate than one can expect from a free online tool.
For schools that the LSP has no data for, it uses regression analysis to review data from LawSchoolNumbers and come up with predictions.
To avoid being outdone by HourUMD, LSP also provides URM filters for its predictions and adds a “binding early decision” feature. This tool is useful for boosting admission prediction accuracy.
But what makes LSP really special in our opinion is how useful it can be when you have a high LSAT score and a low GPA, or vice versa. If you fall into this category, this law school predictor will calculate the probability of your admission based on your scores and each law school’s requirements.
You can also use this tool’s “LSDAS GPA” calculator while getting your bachelor’s degree. This will help you to determine which grades you need to improve to boost your GPA and qualify for the law school of your choice.
Three versions of the LSP are available: The Top 100 Full-Time Programs, Top 100 Part-Time Programs, and Top 100 Unranked Full-Time Programs. Each one is available to check your admission eligibility for your chosen program type.
On the downside, waiting for a prediction on LSP is slower than its two contenders on our list. But the wait is worth it, considering the accuracy of the predictions.
Law school applicants that have used HourUMD, Law School Predictor, and the LSAC Calculator verify that all three are impressively accurate with their data-driven predictions.
But remember that your eligibility for admission into a law school isn’t based solely on your LSAT or GPA. Your recommendations, personal statement, and other factors will also influence a law school’s decision to accept you.
We recommend trying all three of the above best law school predictors. This way, you can compare—and if the results from all three are the same, that’s solid proof of their accuracy regarding your law school admission eligibility.