As it’s officially almost the weekend, so let's take a quick break from that LSAT prep! We thought we could present you with a fun blog on our favorite movie lawyers. We’re sure you’re aware that the media loves to dramatize the field of law. Inevitably, this leads to some beloved and very memorable characters who wield the sword of justice in front of the camera—or in some cases, try to break apart the sword.
So, take a break from your LSAT prep and see if you agree with our picks!
(1) Al Pacino as JOHN MILTON in The Devil’s Advocate.
How could we not include the most powerful attorney in on our list? Not only does he always win, but it’s souls he deals in, not money! An unbeatable attorney who is Lucifer himself has more than just a great legal team on his side.
(2) Jim Carrey as FLETCHER REEDS in Liar, Liar.
Most of you, hopefully, remember this silly movie. It possibly doesn’t bode well for America that a movie about a lawyer who has to tell the truth is hilarious. But, gosh darn it, it’s just funny! It’s just a heartwarming movie about an attorney who direly wants to prove to his family that he’s a good father.
(3) Joe Pesci as VINCENT “VINNY” GAMBINI in My Cousin Vinny.
Who you gonna’ call when you’re wrongly accused of murder? Your cousin Vinny, of course! We based this decision on Vinny’s famous defense for his clients, “Everything that guy just said is bullshit.” Your Honor, we rest our case.
Hope you enjoyed this little dalliance. Watching legal movies is a great way to take a break from the stressful workload of your LSAT prep. Remember, don’t burn yourself out! It’s okay to take a breather and recharge.
Happy Studying!