My 10 Logic Games to Repeat cover a variety of types and are suitable for repeating 5x (number them 1-10 in any order, do them all, then start over at the beginning).
This exercise will help with solving speed and with recognizing common scenario cues, types of deductions, and questions that can be solved quickly rather than doing conditionals!
Here's my list of 10 Logic Games to Repeat:
(1) PT 40 [June 2003], Section 2, Game 2
This would just be a linear game, if it weren't for that pesky out group! It'll help you manage that relationship.
(2) PT 33 [December 2001], Section 4, Game 2
In/Out Grouping
This is nastily difficult if you don't do your rule combinations properly or forget to do contrapositives for every conditional rule. It's delightfully easy when approached correctly.
(3) PT 59 [December 2009], Section 1, Game 4
Yep . . . the one I did in previous office hours. Do it many more times! It's good for you.
(4) PT 38 [October 2002], Section 2, Game 2
A tricky hybrid game with some big deductions, but it'll be easier the second time through. Don't skimp on setup time.
(5) PT 56 [December 2008] Section 1, Game 4
Multi-Linear (Overbooked)
A neat little game made much more complicated by the numerical distribution involved and the overbooking of executives vs. days. Helpful for using numerical distribution inferences in sequencing.
(6) PT 84 [June 2018] Section 4, Game 4
The game type may be simple, but the game isn't. A tricky grouping test that relies heavily on a numerical relationship; miss a distribution inference here and you'll struggle.
(7) PT 74 [December 2014] Section 2, Game 3
In/Out Grouping
This one has some inference types that are often repeated on harder grouping games. Repeat it to start recognizing such inferences easily.
(8) PT 69 [June 2013], Section 2, Game 3
This fun game has a lovely advanced deduction that allows you to breeze through the questions. A good example of how linear games can still present a challenge.
(9) PT 27 [December 1998], Section 2, Game 2
You may find yourself spending a lot of time on this game, which is a bit of a slog even if you get all the inferences and scenarios. Knowing this one well will help you recognize potential time-suck games and adjust your plan accordingly.
(10) PT 63 [June 2011] Section 2, Game 4
A peculiar vertical linear game that takes some numerical work and distribution-mapping. Will help you get ready for similarly vertical setups.
Here are the replays of my Office Hours discussing these 10 games:
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